This treadmill lubricant features high temperature resistance, high viscosity and non-volatilization.
It can reduce the friction between the running belt and the board, protect the wear-resistant coating, prolong the service life
Suitable for a wide range of treadmills including commercial, gym, professional, heavy duty, home, personal, folding, etc
Easy to use, odorless and non-toxic, 250ml per bottle; It can ensure smooth running of the treadmill.
Size: About 10x14X5cm
Glare Impex Clear Silicone Oil Treadmill Belt Lubricant Walk Running Lube Boards AL 250ml /8.45oz
This treadmill lubricant features high temperature resistance, high viscosity and non-volatilization.
It can reduce the friction between the running belt and the board, protect the wear-resistant coating, prolong the service life
Suitable for a wide range of treadmills including commercial, gym, professional, heavy duty, home, personal, folding, etc