Carrier 1.5 Ton 1 Star Split AC (CACS18DA3R5, White)

Refrigerant leakage detector this function helps in cooling the room faster by continuously operating at the maximum fan speed. In any machine the regular ‘turbo mode’ operates for a maximum of 20-30 minutes, the ‘super turbo mode’ runs continuously. Super turbo mode is recommended for effective cooling during high ambient temperatures
Carbon fibre filter this function helps in cooling the room faster by continuously operating at the maximum fan speed. In any machine the regular ‘turbo mode’ operates for a maximum of 20-30 minutes, the ‘super turbo mode’ runs continuously. Super turbo mode is recommended for effective cooling during high ambient temperatures
3-in-1 Microbes filter a combination of cold catalyst, vitamin c and nano platinum filter.effective in removing tobacco smoke, dust, pollen, mold spores, animal dander and in killing bacteria energy rating: 1 star rating (2018). Note that as per bureau of energy efficiency (Bee), there is 2 point energy rating drop in 2018 for non-inverter split acs. E.g. A 2017 5 star non-inverter split ac will become 3 star in 2018

Disclaimer: The price & specs shown may be different from actual. Please confirm on the retailer site before purchasing. Prices updated on 4.1.2024
Helmet Don