Essential in South Indian and Gujurati cuisine, tamarind is used as a souring agent in lentil, sambars and rasams dishes
Imli Souring agent in many soups ,Gives that tangy flavor in many curry recipes
Commonly used to make Tamarind Chutney, Product of India, Alternative Name (Indian) Imli Paste
Tamarind is a sticky, fleshy, juicy pulp, which is the tamarind fruit. This is where the nutrition and taste reside! It is both sweet and sour in taste, and people tend to either immediately like it or have a natural disposition against it!
Storage – Store in a cool, dry and dark place, away from direct sunlight or any other heat sources
Roods Fresh Tamarind Loose Pure Premium (Imli Guda) 500 gm
Essential in South Indian and Gujurati cuisine, tamarind is used as a souring agent in lentil, sambars and rasams dishes
Imli Souring agent in many soups ,Gives that tangy flavor in many curry recipes
Commonly used to make Tamarind Chutney, Product of India, Alternative Name (Indian) Imli Paste